Business meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm. Our council hosts a number of council activities throughout the year. Monthly activities: Pre-Mass Rosary at St. Mary's Church. Annual activities include: Family Picnic, Children's Christmas Party, Valentines Day Sweetheart Dance, St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Supper, Easter Egg Hunt, and a number of events to support local and regional Pro-Life activities. The Coventry St. Jude Knights of Columbus also sponsors our local Boy Scout Troop 65. There are 2 key events coming up in October! Please join us on Saturday, 10/5 at our Annual Awards Banquet where we do the installation of officers for the 2013/2014 Fraternal year and recognize the accomplishments of the 2012/2013 Fraternal Year. This year's event will start with the Installation of Officers at 6PM and is followed by dinner. We hope to see you all there! Saturday 10/26 is the Annual CT Catholic Men's Conference. Please join many of your brother Knights at this tremendous event. This year's conference will be on 10/26 at Goodwin College in East Hartford from 8:30AM - 5PM. More information at: https://www.ctcatholicmen.org/
View our Calendar of Events for the 2013-2014 Fraternal Year |